de Conversacion Psíquica con Mascotas
La perrita Bertie de Portugal
IMarlene Psiquica Internacional Medium

La perrita Bertie de Portugal
Witness to Marlene’s ‘wonderful way with animals’.
Three years ago my little terrier appeared collapsed on my kitchen doorstep and I had the impression that the moment he heard my voice he died. that was a terrible shock and I quickly realized that there was nothing I could do. I had absolutely no idea of the cause of his death, as he had been bright and bouncy that morning. My immediate thought was ‘I must call Marlene to find out the cause of death’. I called my dear friend there and then and straight away Marlene told me that Bertie had been hit by a car and at that very moment was being received on the other side of life by a group of large, happy dogs and as he walked towards them he looked back at me as though to say ‘Thank you for taking me in and loving me’.
Bertie had been an abandoned dog and was found by a friend of mine who took him in and then asked me if I would accept him – one look at that little tri- coloured bundle of personality and the decision was made. Marlene knew nothing of this – in fact she did not know of his existence. But I am eternally in debt to her for having helped both Bertie in his transition and myself in accepting his departure. The knowledge that he trotted off with his new-found big friends was of enormous comfort to me, and remains so. Bertie lies buried in my garden giving life to a beautiful flowering Rosemary shrub.
Thank you dear friend and may you long continue to help all God’s creatures who are so often unable to ask for help themselves and whose life-time companions and carers also need your insight and wisdom.
Angie /Portugal
Witness to Marlene’s ‘wonderful way with animals’.
Three years ago my little terrier appeared collapsed on my kitchen doorstep and I had the impression that the moment he heard my voice he died. that was a terrible shock and I quickly realized that there was nothing I could do. I had absolutely no idea of the cause of his death, as he had been bright and bouncy that morning. My immediate thought was ‘I must call Marlene to find out the cause of death’. I called my dear friend there and then and straight away Marlene told me that Bertie had been hit by a car and at that very moment was being received on the other side of life by a group of large, happy dogs and as he walked towards them he looked back at me as though to say ‘Thank you for taking me in and loving me’.
Bertie had been an abandoned dog and was found by a friend of mine who took him in and then asked me if I would accept him – one look at that little tri- coloured bundle of personality and the decision was made. Marlene knew nothing of this – in fact she did not know of his existence. But I am eternally in debt to her for having helped both Bertie in his transition and myself in accepting his departure. The knowledge that he trotted off with his new-found big friends was of enormous comfort to me, and remains so. Bertie lies buried in my garden giving life to a beautiful flowering Rosemary shrub.
Thank you dear friend and may you long continue to help all God’s creatures who are so often unable to ask for help themselves and whose life-time companions and carers also need your insight and wisdom.
Angie /Portugal